Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Two Little Un-paired Socks

Here they are, Sock One and Sock Two. Oh dear, that sounds like something from Dr. Seuss! I guess they could be called Rib One and Rib Two! I will be taking just a very small break from knitting, since I don't totally live and breath knitting --gasp!--and since there is the jury duty thing this week. But, once things calm down again, I will get the mates to Sock One and Sock Two knit. I really like the little socks, they are cute, quick to knit, even fun! Who would have thought? I am so glad that Stephanie proposed the Knitting Olympics and that Anne and Jo gently talked me into joining in! Having knit 4 socks now, I really don't understand what all the sock fuss is about. Although I did suffer from the same fear of socks that so many knitters also seem to have. I think anyone who tried and failed to knit a sock just chose the wrong pattern. I can understand why some people might not enjoy knitting socks, but I no longer worry that they are hard to knit. (Of course not, since I have knit 4 of them now!) It will be nice to have cute little socks on needles, in progress and always ready and willing to be picked up and worked on as time and inclination allows.

There is the side benefit that I will feel up to the challenge of knitting the Christmas stockings for Christine and Michelle, that I have slackly put off for so long. That will be my next big project, to get those knit and have them ready for this Christmas! I am just so glad that Christine has been so understanding about the delay--what with the retirement, the big move, hurricanes, pituitary tumors, etc. Heavens, what a strange 2-3 years we have had.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Two Little Socks

No photos, so picture two little socks, like the one shown the other day. Except....one has a knit 1, purl 1 rib top, and the other has a knit 2, purl 2 big top!!! They aren't a pair, but will ensure that I knit two more little socks!

The deal was, they were started from different patterns, and I forgot, briefly, when I thought they would end up being a pair. Not a problem, and in any case, they are both completed, so I am happy. I managed to knit 4 socks during the knitting olympics, which is way better than the one that I hoped and planned for. Hurrah!

Little Sock One and Little Sock Two are identical except for the ribbing, so I know I will be able to recreate each one again, so that they will both be paired. They are so cute! They are way too little for the sock model to model for photos. I am too tired to photograph them, and I want to be off the computer in about 2 seconds--boy am I ever tired, after a day at court. So, maybe check tomorrow for some pix, and hurrah for the knitting olympics, and Steph, who despite insurmountable odds, did manage to complete her totally awesome sweater!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

First Little Sock Done!

Yesterday, I finished Little Sock One. Well, I guess he is really Little Sock Two, as LS One is the one with the heel problem? Anyway, LS Two is done! I finished him last night, and would have gotten back to work on LS One, but the Olympics are on, and exciting things were happening, like speed skating, etc. So, I had to watch, right? Anyway, here he is!

Humm, can't tell what size he is, can you? Well, here is a pic of him with one of the Olympic socks, for comparison!

Quite a difference, eh? I hadn't realized how much till I put them next to each other.

I do, despite the late hour of the afternoon, with the day rapidly getting away from me...plan to finish LS One, and have hopes of finishing him before the Olympics end. We will see. I will, at least, be glad to have two pairs of Olympic socks completed for the orphans! Anne gave me some green yarn, wool, to use for more socks, so my knitting for orphans is not over, by a long shot. Not that I expected it was. It isn't something you just do for the Knitting Olympics and then just quit.

Well, off to blog on the other blog and then back to knitting!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Heels, Heels, Heels....

That has been my focus. I feel like I spent most of yesterday focused on heels. I am learning a lot, so the time isn't wasted. I do wish I had just skipped the short row heel sooner, and spent more time knitting little socks! Oh well. I will still knit all the little socks I can get out of the bright yellow wool, they just won't all be done during the Knitting Olympics.

I have found that there are three ways (that I have found so far) of doing the short row heel, and so I will try them all. Well, I have already tried the bane to my existence, the wrapped stitch version! I took out the trusty bit of practice knitting yesterday---the one that Anne had started 2 circular ribbing in the round on, and that I had added to, then practiced the wrapped stitch heel on. I added some more plain knitting to it, and then tried out the yarn over short row heel. It worked out well, is easier than the wrapped one, but I still got holes when I joined to the front of the sock. I think more practice and a couple of added stitches will take care of it though? I still want to try the Japanese short row method, as I read that it is even better. This is all for later though, as I have put aside the Poor Little Sock, and cast on another one. My intention was to just knit the class sock in Sensational Knit Socks by Charlene Schurch. I have been modifying it though. Actually, so far it is very much like the Poor Little Sock that has been put aside. I am referring to the heel section of the Olympic sock pattern for guidance on the heel flap, since the class sock is ribbed all the way down, and mine isn't. It is all a good exercise in adapting, changing to suit me, etc! I started on the heel flap last night. Once I finish this new little sock, I will have to decide whether to start his match from scratch, or use the Poor Little Sock, ripping his heel once again and putting in the heel flap. By the way, the yarn has held up really well, the poor little short row heel, with hole on each side at joining, looks just as nice as ever, as far as the yarn goes. This yarn is really great! However, I will only knit his heel one more time, and this will have to work, which is why I am considering just putting the heel flap on him!

In the long run, the Knitting Olympics has been a great learning experience for me. I finally bit the bullet and knit a sock, two actually! I have learned a lot about short row heels, and will learn more and master them! Stephanie, aka the Yarn Harlot is a constant inspiration, and I am so glad she came up with the idea of a Knitting Olympics!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Poor Little Heel

It has felt like an exercise in futility. After practicing on the sample knitting, as mentioned, I thought I had a good handle on the wrapped stitches, and hence the short row heel. I blithely took the little sock to pt yesterday. I knit the heel. Yuck! I ripped it out, and reknit it. Yuck. I stuck it in my bag, determined to get it to work when I got home. It didn't come back out of the bag till evening, and I thought it was all going to work. I had read online, I finally had the wraps well under control, remembering which way to pick the loop up on each side of the heel---it seems to be different on each side, you know! I picked up extra stitches between the heel section and the front section, to avoid holes. And I still got holes. This side is the worse. Sorry, the photo is out of focus, as you will see when you click to enlarge it. But the hole shows up nicely!

Here is a shot of the other side. It is better focused! You might actually be able to notice the relatively neat and tidy line formed by the short row method. However, there is a small hole on this side too. It isn't as big or as noticeable (except in the photo) as the one on the other side. Still, it is there.

So, I will now choose a new heel to do, and replace this one. I still want to do a short row heel, especially since I will want it for my socks. I plan to check online and try out the different short row heel patterns, to find one that will actually work for me. On the plus side, the directions all make so much more sense to me now, since I have mastered wrapping stitches, and am getting the hang of knitting them. Once I find one I like, I will just replace this little heel with the new one, and all will be good!

On the rest of the sock front....I took the Olympic socks to pt with me again, as the gal who asked me about them last week hadn't stopped by to see them on Tuesday. Chris, one of the therapists, did see them on Tuesday and really liked them. The gal stopped by yesterday and asked about them, so I pulled them out. She loved them, and Shauna came over to see them too. Chris came over and mentioned that he had already seen them! They were a big hit. Nice to have one's work appreciated!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Working on Heels

That sounds funny, doesn't it? Yesterday, I decided to work on the short row heel on a different sample, rather than risk having to rip out the little kid sock heel once again. With Anne's approval (since she started it up), I went to work on the sample that she had started using the 2 circular needle method of working in the round. It was all in ribbing, so I knit 3 rows or so of straight knitting, then started the heel. I feel like I have a much better understanding of wrapped stitches and how to work with them now. Although, I did go into it all with it pretty well understood, in my head! The first half of the heel went really well, but the second half was a little puzzling, with re-wrapping, and the directions seem to have led me to continue on too long, perhaps, as then when it was all finally joined with the other part of the sock, there were gaps on both sides at the join--just at the top/last knitted row. However, all the wrapped area/short row stuff, looked fine, no holes. I was careful to pull the yarn nice and snug at the places were there were gaps, which is part of what leads me to think that I did a row or two too much on the heel section. I understand the urge to keep the patterns from being too long, and condensing information, but when it already prints out to 4 pages, and there is just a little bit of information on page 4, why not take the time to write out more detailed instructions for the heel? I know that experienced sock knitters, those who are pros at the short row heel, won't need that extra info, but those of us new to the technique could sure use more detail!

Enough of that! I never did get back to the yellow little kid sock yesterday, as I was busy (haha, did laundry, read while the washer was washing and the dryer was drying, etc) until evening, and so only worked on the heel on the knitting sample. Today will be the day to conquer the short row heel, and maybe finish the sock, since it is so little! Anne has pt today, so I have prime knitting time with very little distraction. Tune in tomorrow for a photo of the yellow little kid sock--maybe he will be done and his partner started?

Added to note: Isn't Google wonderful? I did a google search on short row heels and got tons to look at. I have only looked at a bit of it, so far, but already feel I know a lot more than I did. The first site I went to was a treasure trove of knitting how-tos. Here is a link:
  • Toes and Heels

  • Tons of info! I looked at several of the methods, and with the bit of knowledge I had already gathered, it all makes sense. I think I will be able to complete the heel as written in the directions I have now, and then for later socks I can play with different techniques, etc. There are some toe methods that look really interesting too!

    Wednesday, February 22, 2006

    New Sock Started!

    I am still in sock knitting mode, as I said I would continue to work on socks while the Olympics are still going on...and for a long time after that, I am sure! But, these are the orphan socks, with the bright yellow wool, that will be worked on during the Olympics and till the yarn is about done, I guess?

    Since I had finished my Olympic knitting socks, and I wanted to knit during Anne's pt, I checked online for a more specific child's sock pattern. I found one that looked cute, just a plain sock, but definitely for kids--in 3 sizes. I gathered up needles, yarn, and off we went.

    I started off with dpns, and did several rows with them. However....I was constantly nervous that the needles would fall out. The sock requires a cast on of only 32 stitches, and even spread between just 3 dpns, that isn't a huge number. It all felt so tiny and also so prickly, with so little knitting and so many pointy ends sticking out! So, after a few rows, I switched to the circulars. I do feel I will be able to master dpns, which is a good thing, as I do plan to make socks some day using sock weight yarn! But, for this sock, I think, the circulars are working best. I am getting to play with a new method, as this sock pattern has the short row heel, with wrapped stitches. I just about had the heel finished last night, but had to rip it out, as the directions weren't as complete as I needed, as a knitter new to wrapped stitches. Oh well! I at least understand the whys and wherefores of wrapped stitches now (I think!!) and am ready to give it another go today!

    So, here is what I have so far. The dpn in the top side is my safely line, that I inserted before ripping the heel.

    As you can see, this pair of socks will be much smaller than the other pair!

    Monday, February 20, 2006


    Today, Monday, the 20th of February, I have completed Sock Two, and have more than met my Olympic goal---my first sock. I have now completed my first pair of socks! Here they are!

    Anne models socks

    Despite the appearance in the second pic, Sock One and Sock Two are actually the same size! I checked! It is just that little magic that happens when one thing is closer than the other thing.

    I finished at just after 9 p.m. this evening. All ends woven in, etc. It is such a relief! I will continue to knit, probably smaller socks for younger children. There is still a skein of this yarn, and I have a somewhat decent amount of yarn left from this first skein--not enough for another sock this size, but maybe for a little little kid sized sock! Hurrah!

    Meanwhile.....CONGRATULATIONS, CANADA, ON YOUR WOMEN'S ICE HOCKEY GOLD MEDAL! What a game, and how exciting it all was! I am so happy for you all!

    Be sure to scroll down and read my original post for the day, if you haven't already seen it! By the way, by the time I got off the computer from posting the first time, the sun was out. So pretty!

    Sunday's Knitting!

    Here is Sock Two at the end of day, Sunday. All the gusset and heel shaping are done! The picking up of stitches on the heel flap went well again. The design is really simple and easy to follow. It sure helps for a first time sock knitter! All the decreases are done, and I am ready to knit the foot. My only decision to make is whether to continue with the dpns or to switch back to the circulars. I am thinking the circulars at this point, mostly because that is what I did with Sock One. I am trying to keep them as similar/identical as possible!

    I am looking forward to learning more ways of doing toes and heels, and finding a sock that I especially like for me. I imagine we will have a quiet day today, with plenty of time for knitting! Mike is home for President's Day, and we have no plans, no errands to run, etc. The washing machine is calling my name though, so I won't have uninterupted knitting. It is cloudy out today too, so no sunshine to try to draw me outside. Just as well! Happy knitting!

    Sunday, February 19, 2006

    Saturday's Knitting, Heel is Turned!

    Sock Two is coming along! I finished the leg, did the heel flap, and have turned the heel. Thanks to the comments I jotted down while doing Sock One, I was able to avoid the too-long-heel-flap this time around. It makes like easier not to have to frog!

    I did get through the newspapers yesterday and watched some of the Olympics--some out-right, some while knitting! I talked to Brian on IM yesterday, they are all well.

    Well, today's knitting includes picking up the stitches for the gusset, and getting to work on the foot. This part all seems to go much faster, I think. Tune in tomorrow for more exciting news on Sock's progress!

    Saturday, February 18, 2006

    Friday's Knitting, Sock Goes to the Beach!

    Anne and Sock Two go to the beach

    End of day Friday

    Sock Two is coming along nicely. I didn't do much knitting during the day, as I was finishing up a book I was very much engrossed in. No, this is not the equivalent of that silly girl in the snowboarding cross competition, who grabbed her board, fell, and lost the gold, getting silver instead! Sock One is done, all else is bonus for the orphans! Woman does not live by knitting alone, although it might be almost possible!

    Anyway.....Anne felt the urge to visit the beach, and I was happy to take her. We hadn't been to the beach in ages, and it is always so pleasant there! Sock Two decided she wanted to come too, being an adventurous soul (sole?). Sock was knitted on at the beach, and it was a pleasant experience, too! Anne kindly held Sock for a commemorative photo at the beach, even though the sun was right in her eyes.

    The knitting is going well. The second sock is easier, although the first was pretty darn easy. The pattern is good and easy, so that is a help. It is sure nothing like the intricate pattern that Jo is knitting!

    My plans for the day include catching up on 6 days of newspapers---just the good bits, the weekly sections, and the funnies (!)--- exercise, and, knitting! I expect to finish the leg part today, and perhaps complete the heel flap? Check in tomorrow for photos of Sock in her newest stage!

    Friday, February 17, 2006

    Thursday's Knitting, One Sock Done, One Begun

    Okay, Sock One is done. Not without trial and retrial! Also, note Sock on the foot of our lovely sock model!

    After a morning of computer, errands, etc, I didn't really get much time to knit. I did get a start on the second sock, so I could work on it at pt, if there was still time after redoing the toe on sock one. Dumb thing to do, as you will see.

    I had grabbed the dpns and put them in my bag, along with some tiny ones, for threading the stitches on, in preparation for frogging the toe of sock one. That worked out just fine! Then I realized that the directions called for the stitches to be divided between 4 dpns and that was all I had. Oh dear. In a case of mild insanity, not wishing to give up on sock one--and for some reason, not wanting to just put them on three dpns???--I used one end of one of the circulars (with sock two cast on and joined) as one of my dpns. It actually worked out quite well, and all would have been fine, except I started to worry about running out of yarn before the end (should have frogged a couple more rows?) AND a woman who works at the office there came and talked to me about the knitting (she used to knit years ago when she lived up north, but had never done socks). I was distracted enough that a dpn fell out! Then, while trying to recapture the elusive stitches, another one fell out! This was at the next to the last decrease row! I really thought I was knitting tightly enough that it wasn't likely to happen once, let lone twice. I wisely called it quits, put all the knitting back in my bag, and Anne was almost done anyway, so I just had a short, non-knitting wait.

    I repeated my saving line with tiny dpns last evening, placing them a tiny bit lower down the knitting, and frogged again. (you don't know how thankful I am that I read the book I did ages ago, that talked about putting a needle through and catching up the stitches, so you could frog with impunity) This time, all went well. I used the circulars to knit the toe this time . Before that though, I once again decided I didn't like the way the start of sock two was looking--I think mostly having forgotten just how awkward I find the beginning of the knitting of socks to be. I ripped it out, went to the computer, found that lovely site, cast on and got the sock started again. I then returned to the world of Olympics, etc, and knit enough so that the top was looking right. I then transfered to dpns to hold it, so I could use the circulars for the toe of sock one.

    I realize that very few people, if they even read this, will find it at all interesting, but I realized that at the very least, I have a record of what I did, and who knows, I might have to refer to it sometime?

    Anyway, sock one's toe was completed without any problems at all, and in no time flat. The sock model was eager to try it on. She does report that the toe isn't as comfortable as the wedge toe was, but we both agreed that it might be at least partly because the sock is a little shorter now. I do like the look of this toe, and it was very easy to finish off. I am determined, though, that I WILL do the wedge toe again, and I WILL master the Kitchener's graft. My brain has been quietly working on it, reviewing it, thinking of ways to do it, and I know it can be done -- surely without those ridges. (The thing that bugs me most is that I had the stitch done just right, it was the placement and the resulting ridges that defeated me this time.) I have my own thoughts on that, and will be interested to try it again sometime. I do think though, that I will try it out on some samples knit specifically for the exercise, that can lay flat and aren't at the end of a narrow toe!

    By the way---I had the interesting experience of seeing a chart in a shoe store (Italian) at our local newest outdoor mall. Don't think lovely designer type shoes. Think comfortable (???) but rather old people looking shoes? I didn't see anything that I would want to wear. Anyway, I already knew my European shoe size, thanks to years of wearing Birkies. According to this chart, the average 7 year old wears the same size shoes I do. Can you believe it?????? I really find it hard to believe. Does that mean that Mom Walters wears the same size as your average 5 year old???? Are children young giants these days? I guess I can be sure that any sock that fits me will fit an orphan, in any case?

    Thursday, February 16, 2006

    Sock Done, But Not......

    I finished the sock yesterday evening. Yesterday turned out not to be a knitting day, so all I did was graft the toe. I tried casting on the second sock, and I found that I don't like the info in one of Anne's knitting books on the arrangement of the stitches, connecting, etc, for knitting on two circulars---I will have to cast on again and consult the computer. Not a big deal though.

    As to the grafting on the above shown and modeled sock (thank you, sock model Anne!), I put the stitches on tiny needles, so I could better see what I was doing. I got the method and stitching of the Kitcheners just fine. However, I don't like the way it looks. The directions all said to be sure to go under the needles, but I am sure that can't be right in the long run, as it leaves two ridges, one on each side, from the stitches picked up and grafted. I don't really like the look of the wedge part of the toe either, to tell you the truth. I can see that there are advantages, etc, but I don't like the aesthetics of the look. Also, Anne commented that the sock felt a little snug. Being a person of skinny foot, that is something to consider. Although I don't imagine the poor orphans will be fat-footed. Still, the combination of not liking the toe, and the sock being perhaps a bit narrow for the length has led me to the decision to make some changes, hence..."But Not."

    I rechecked another sock book, and I really do like the look of the round toe. It is a shorter toe, so I think I can shorten the sock length some (to make the sock width more in keeping with the length) and change to a round toe, and still have enough yarn to complete it--since I had already cut and woven in the end. This will work!

    Meanwhile, I need to run to the base, so will bring this to a close, and will hopefully be able to show you the new and improved finished sock, and the start of sock two, when I blog tomorrow!

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    Tuesday's Knitting, Driving Anne Nuts

    Note: I have twisted the sock so that the needles lay flat!

    I took the knitting along with me to PT on Tuesday and knit till I measured 6 inches on the foot section (from the heel ridge), knit a few more rows and stopped so as not to go too far. I didn't want to get into the toe decreases there.

    That evening, when I finally got back to knitting, I found that I had actually hit it spot on, as the directions called for that measurement to be 6.5 inches. I went back to the dpns, since the directions for the decreases were written for them, and it was just easier to deal with!

    The sock is virtually done, I just have to graft the toe closed. I did give it a try last night, but the directions in one of Anne's sock books were not the greatest and I couldn't quite get my brain around it. Fortunately, I was able to undo what I did try to do, and recaptured my stitches! I do see/understand how to do it, but couldn't quite get it to work in real life. But, I figured I was tired, there were shows I wanted to watch on TV, etc, so I would let it percolate in my brain and do it on Wednesday.

    So, today, Wednesday, I have spent some time looking at all the sock books, reading other blurbs about grafting (Kitchners), different ways to do toes (I was actually wondering if one of the books might say something about that figure 8 cast on I have mentioned before---no, they don't). But, I did find another toe method that looks comfortable, the author/knitter calls it a round toe, and it is decreased to the point that you can just run your yarn through the loops and tie it off. The look is quite aesthetically pleasing, and I might have to try it soon!

    I did consider going ahead and casting on sock number two last night, but gave it a pass. Although my Olympic challenge was just my first sock, the orphan will, of course, need two. I plan to go ahead and keep knitting socks for the duration of the Olympics, and will see how many I can do. I think I got really lucky with the pattern I used ---- Terri Lee Royea's "Super Simple Knitwit Sock Pattern", and using a thicker yarn for warmer socks, instead of sock weight yarn.

    By the way..... the yarn is Nature Spun, 100% wool, spun and dyed by Brown Sheep Company, Inc. The color is #305, Impasse Yellow. Anne got it in a trade, I think? She got two skeins of this, and 4 of a lighter yellow that she really loves, and is a lovely color too!

    Tuesday, February 14, 2006

    Monday's Knitting

    This is how the sock looked at the end of the day, Monday. As I mentioned yesterday, I did some knitting in the morning, before the doc appt. I didn't do much more knitting during the day/evening, as I was busy on the computer, did some household stuff, Anne and I made a trip out of the house, per her doctor's orders (!!), etc! I even watched a good bit of the Olympics in Torino.

    I think the foot length (from ridge at heel towards the toe) was about 4 inches at this point. Anne was curious last night and made a guess of 4 inches, then measured it and was spot on. Isn't she good?

    I have knit another inch onto it today already. Alex Anderson's show today was something I wasn't interested in, so I put the TV back on the Today show, and my fingers were itching to knit, so I did! Haha. Then it was computer time, and talking to Brian on IM, so I haven't had time to do any more knitting. That will come this afternoon when I take Anne to pt---I almost forgot I would take my knitting!

    Take care, happy knitting, and I will be back tomorrow!

    Monday, February 13, 2006

    Sunday's Knitting

    Here is the sock at the end of Sunday. I started out the day's knitting by threading a dpn through to catch the stitches at the "guesstimated" row of knitting, to correct the overly long heel flap. I always find it a little bit more challenging to pick up the stitches when it is not straight knitting, and this had alternate knit and slipped stitches. But, I figured that in any case, it would be close enough to be able to fix. I was lucky and got all the stitches just right, whew!!! I then ripped. Don't you just hate it? I re-knit the heel turn, and it was just fine. The heel looks a good length now, etc. Success!

    The process of picking up the stitches along the heel flap went fine. I did that with a dpn, for ease of operation, and then figured that it would be easier, with the decrease directions, to just stay on dpns for a while. Which I did. Once that was all done and it was straight knitting again, I decided that I would go back to the 2 circulars---as I didn't feel that I was maintaining good enough tension between the dpns. I made some more progress on that last night, as seen in the photos!

    I took my sock with me to the doc's this morning. I arrived way early, as I was worried about early morning traffic at the base. I knit in the car for a while, knit inside for a while before signing in, knit while waiting for the doc to come! It didn't add up to a lot of time, but I got a few more rows done!

    Sunday, February 12, 2006

    Saturday's Knitting

    The knitting is going well. I finished the leg section and moved on to the heel flap. I don't think I personally would like this, especially if they were to be worn with shoes. Although Anne suggests that it might be much more comfortable than it looks. This pattern uses slipped stitches, making a more durable heel.

    Anyway, I knit the directed length for the heel flap, turned the heel with no problems at all, and then found that the flap is evidently way too long, and there are way too many loops for picking up stitches. The pattern says that the slipped stitch at the beginning of each row provides a handy loop for picking up each of the 10 stitches that are to be picked up. I have more than 10 though! And the heel flap looks very long. I was careful to err on the side of too long rather than too short when I was knitting the flap, and I guess I shouldn't have been. It would have been so much easier had the directions just said "knit ____ rows".

    Oh well. I will frog back and reduce my rows. I think the heel flap will look much better, and the sock will too, and I will redo my heel turn! I haven't been knitting a lot each day, partly so as not to strain anything (haha!) and partly so I don't finish too soon. There are household chores to do, Olympics to watch, etc, too! If I don't have any major problems later on (but bearing in mind that I could), I should easily be able to do a whole pair and maybe more? So far, socks are pretty easy, and I am not sure why I thought they would be hard. I am sure that is the cue for it to become horrendously difficult now, with nothing working as it should. Talk about tempting fate!

    Saturday, February 11, 2006

    Olympic Knitting

    So, here is what I have at the end of day one. To recap......

    First I tried out the figure 8 cast on, which would not work for me. Rather than waste time, I dumped that, and decided I would knit from top down. Not a problem! First I decided to go ahead and try dpns, since the pattern I had printed out used them. I did get it all cast on, etc, and it was fine, and knit a few rows, but it all felt so pokey with the dpns, and also, I didn't feel I was getting the junctions tight enough. It just wasn't feeling good. So, I ripped it out, cast on again on a circular, and went to consult the computer, as it had suggestions on connecting the knitting, and getting the second circular in use. All fine there, and I got to work.

    The knitting is going well. It felt a bit awkward at first, but once a few rows had been knit, it went along much better. I really got into the swing of it, and am enjoying it. I can see that shorter circulars would be nice, these are 29 inches and it is way more length than I need. On the other hand, it doesn't make a huge difference, and I haven't grabbed the wrong end yet. I really like the knitting on two circulars, it is quite comfortable.

    Details! I decided to knit on size 4 (US) needles, and I am glad I did. I think my knitting tension is loose enough that size 5 needles would have made the socks looser than I would have liked. I chose to continue the ribbing down the leg, it is a K2, P2 rib. The directions gave a number of suggestions, but I felt ribbing down the leg would provide more hold for the kid who wears them some day! I don't remember the brand of yarn, it is in the photo. The yellow is nice and bright and cheery! It is 100% wool.

    The Florida buttons are listed on Kat with a K's button list now! It will just bring you back here though, so.....

    Well, I have been up how many hours now and not a stitch of knitting done yet. I am going to have to get off the computer soon, I have been talking to Brian on IM. And, speaking of the Opening Ceremonies, which I wasn't (haha), I loved the part with the guys in costume manipulating the flags the best, as it is something I have seen before in Italy, so it brought back happy memories!

    Friday, February 10, 2006

    Knitting Olympics Buttons!

    My mentor, Anne, foreswore sleep long enough to show me how to put the buttons on my blog, and then also took the time (I knew she couldn't resist the temptation to do it right away!) to make buttons for Florida, since a quick check of
  • Kat With A K's
  • blog showed no Florida buttons yet.

    Here are the buttons she made!

    Cool, eh?????

    So, no photos of yarn yet, and I just realized that I forgot to have Anne get the yarn for my socks out of her room for me before she went for her nap, which means I still can't cast on yet. Rats! I may have to sneak in there and see if I can find it--hahahaha--while she is sleeping. Oh well, I guess I can wait till she wakes up? Or not, as her naps are of the marathon variety, with the mono.

    On the plus side, I did get a chance at PT today to try knitting on the sample Anne started using two circular needles. It worked out fine! It really is quite easy. Her PT session didn't last too long, and I did some other things first (took care of some cards to go out in the mail, etc) and so didn't have enough time left to try out the figure 8 cast on that the toe up patterns seem to use. I may give it a try while Anne sleeps, especially if I decide not to try to recover the yarn from her room! Otherwise, I will just do a top down sock pattern and save the figure 8 for another time!

    If you see this Jo, I did have a tiny bit of trouble with Blogger.com while working on this, and even lost the connection to the internet once, but fortunately had time to save most of this post to word, and was able to retrieve it. Most of the time today (while we have been home) it has been fine though.

    Knitters, warm your needles!!!!! Best wishes and good knitting to you all!

    Friday, February 03, 2006

    A Decision at Last!

    So, the great debate has been which sock pattern to use, which yarn to use, etc, for the first pair of socks---or actually first sock, unless there is time for a second sock! I have read, researched, pondered, mused, etc, and was still having a time of it deciding.

    Then, I visited sockbug and looked around there. I was intrigued by the lesson for knitting two socks at the same time, on 2 circulars. That would be neat! And, the more I thought of it, I liked the suggestion made there, that unwanted socks could be donated to CIC, as long as they were made of yarn that is at least 75% wool. The directions are for a medium sized child, by the way. I figured that might be a good way to go, a little bit smaller sock, a good way to get an introduction to knitting socks, and one in which I wouldn't care as much which pattern was used, and it would do something nice for child somewhere. Anne offered yellow wool yarn, which she was willing to part with, and so my project is decided! I have read through the lessons, and have to wonder if I will ever be able to "get" it. But, I am sure that it is very much one of those things, that as long as you have the knitting in front of you while reading it, it makes much more sense! I sure hope so, anyway! And, if not, I know Jo will be willing to give me support and instruction as needed!

    I am so glad to have all this sorted out, and now just have to do the swatching thing, and I will be ready to go! Hurrah!

    And, before I go, have you seen the latest numbers for the Knitting Olympics? Over 2500!!!!! Isn't that wild! We outnumber the real athletes now.