Knitting Olympics Buttons!
My mentor, Anne, foreswore sleep long enough to show me how to put the buttons on my blog, and then also took the time (I knew she couldn't resist the temptation to do it right away!) to make buttons for Florida, since a quick check of
Here are the buttons she made!

Cool, eh?????
So, no photos of yarn yet, and I just realized that I forgot to have Anne get the yarn for my socks out of her room for me before she went for her nap, which means I still can't cast on yet. Rats! I may have to sneak in there and see if I can find it--hahahaha--while she is sleeping. Oh well, I guess I can wait till she wakes up? Or not, as her naps are of the marathon variety, with the mono.
On the plus side, I did get a chance at PT today to try knitting on the sample Anne started using two circular needles. It worked out fine! It really is quite easy. Her PT session didn't last too long, and I did some other things first (took care of some cards to go out in the mail, etc) and so didn't have enough time left to try out the figure 8 cast on that the toe up patterns seem to use. I may give it a try while Anne sleeps, especially if I decide not to try to recover the yarn from her room! Otherwise, I will just do a top down sock pattern and save the figure 8 for another time!
If you see this Jo, I did have a tiny bit of trouble with while working on this, and even lost the connection to the internet once, but fortunately had time to save most of this post to word, and was able to retrieve it. Most of the time today (while we have been home) it has been fine though.
Knitters, warm your needles!!!!! Best wishes and good knitting to you all!
Excellent buttons! DId Anne let someone at the Big Blog know about them?
I emailed Kat with a K since she seems to be the minder of the buttons, and had an email back from her
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