Saturday, March 18, 2006

Follow The Leader....

Success, with some help from Anne!

I did, bravely but with some hesitation, give the spinning a bit of a go in the family room, where Anne could see me. Well, I did start out in the computer room, hidden away, but switched rooms. I did try out her spindle, and I actually don't find it easier, and in fact, I think I find it harder to use. I don't know if I had already become accustomed to mine, in the tiny bit of time I have spent with it, or what. Anyway.....

I went back to my spindle, and got to work on spinning a bit of singles long enough to use for the leader. I had made a similar attempt on Anne's spindle, but it was awkward, and the result was not long enough---I stopped too soon. I managed a long enough bit of spun wool, and got Anne to hold an end for me so the twist didn't come out. I got the one end tied to the spindle and got it wound around the shaft as required. I decided that was my goal for the day and it was sufficient! That means I didn't feel up to spinning any more in front of Anne--I know she is good about not snickering at me, but I didn't want to risk it!

So, here is the spindle with the leader on. The knotted end is quite fat and fuzzy, as it fluffed once the twist was able to relax a bit. And the other end, through the hook, is fluffed out too, since it isn't being held by anything. I need to make a loop in it for attaching fiber for spinning.

I don't know if I will actually get any spinning done today, but I am all set if I decide to. I am talking to Brian on IM right now, and that might take a while!

I guess that is all on the quilting/knitting/spinning front, so I will go for now. I think I will blog on Sally's Stuff too, so go take a look!

Edited to add: oops, that photo is a bit bright. Sorry about that. I am afraid you can't really see the leader that well, too much light there. I hope to have bette pix soon.


At 9:16 AM, Blogger Joanna said...

Cool - you have started!


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